R&D CORE is an Innovation Engine company. Our engine is fuelled by observing our environment, monitoring the bleeding edge of technologies, by immersing ourselves into the problem, by running highly focused brainstorming sessions and by constantly prototyping and experimenting with the most promising ideas.


When a need or problem is identified, scientists and engineers tend to jump straight to creating "innovative" solutions.

We instead, take a step back, thoroughly research the field for past and current solutions to understand what has worked and not worked and why. Armed with this knowledge, we identify the critical weaknesses of known technologies/solutions and we focus our innovative thinking on addressing these weaknesses by either improving existing technologies or creating new ones. 


We strive to discover latent human needs by observing our environment, recording people's experiences and monitoring the latest market and social trends. These needs are then evaluated in terms of importance to human life, market size and technology maturity, among other proprietary variables. The promising ideas are being investigated further to refine the market need, potential and solution feasibility.
We’re always open for business and always keen to know the challenges that you face and what keeps you awake at night.  Our Ideation approach enables us to research, discover and develop great solutions for any problem, big or small.
Contact us today!



R&D CORE launches a fully flexible touch screen sensor technology with Plastic Logic's flexible display

SURREY, UK – December 2, 2014 – UK technology start-up R&D CORE specialising in the research, development and commercialization of innovative technologies that enhance human life has collaborated with Plastic Logic, an expert in the field of plastic electronics, to further develop and finalise a flexible touch screen sensor technology with a flexible display, delivering a truly flexible touch screen display solution. 

Digital Resistive Area Sensing (DRAS®) technology key facts:

  • The sensor is placed behind the flexible display: there is no impact on the display's optical performance!
  • Ideal for next-generation, flexible display devices and wearable electronics
  • Truly flexible, rollable
  • Multi-touch
  • Finger force sensing
  • Not affected by humidity or temperature swings
  • No calibration required
  • Virtually borderless
  • Extremely thin
  • Consumes very little power

“The UK is innovating and leading the way in developing and producing truly flexible displays and fully flexible touch screen solutions”, said Thomas Papakostas, CEO at R&D CORE Limited.  “This collaboration has enabled us to further push the boundaries and deliver a truly flexible touch screen enabled display. Our patented Digital Resistive Area Sensing (DRAS®) technology, a multi-touch sensing technology for next-generation devices, addresses all of the new demands and emerges as the winning solution for the new breed of portable devices with flexible displays. The sensor overcomes capacitive touch screen limitations including breakage, accidental use, moisture and an inability to operate when wearing insulating materials such as gloves.  Our collaboration will enable manufacturers from around the world to finally have access to a truly flexible touch screen display technology for use in a range of next-generation devices.”

The DRAS® technology delivers greater functionality and control to overcome the many limitations of today’s smart phone and tablet capacitive touch screens including true flexibility, finger force sensing, accidental use and expensive integration.  Its ability to work with gloves brings a huge advantage for outdoor use, especially in cold environments and in use with wearable devices such as smartwatches. The sensor can be made as large as the application requires, from large scale flexible TV’s to extensive wall size displays, without increasing the complexity of the hardware interface and without compromising the sensor performance.

DRAS® technology development kits are available, under license, and include hardware, software and sensors.

For further information contact solutions@rndcore.com or telephone:  Europe: + 44 (0) 208-144-4600 USA: +1 (617) 997 0950.

About R&D CORE Limited

R&D CORE is a financially independent, UK based, technology led, start-up organisation specialising in the research, development and commercialization of innovative technologies that enhance human life. Fields of business specialty include: Ideation, advanced market research methods, solution space exploration, intellectual property development, rapid prototyping and development, technology commercialization.

Established in June 2011 and headquartered in Leatherhead, Surrey, R&D CORE focuses on undertaking confidential, ground breaking projects, internally or externally funded. Internally funded projects that fuel the company’s innovation engine include the DRAS® Sensor Technology enabling the creation of large, flexible, multi-contact touchscreens. Additional products include the SOLEPAD™ SYSTEM a revolutionary foot measuring and business analytics technology for shoe retailers and ATLAS an innovative anti-theft bike stand. Further information on R&D CORE is available at: www.rndcore.com



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